Year 6 is simply stunning!
In Year 6 you will have the chance to:
- have a Year 6 hoody
- put on a brilliant play and perform it to your family
- sit on the benches in collective worship
- have ten swimming lessons
- have a water fight with your teacher to celebrate finishing your SATS
- compete in a dodgeball and basketball sporting event
- have ten multi-sport lessons
- do an enterprise challenge
- meet some firefighters and create a fire safety plan for your family
- go on a three-day residential
- go bowling with your class
- have special responsibilities
- go to Eden Camp
- dance to the whole school family
- be responsible for leading a school club for younger children
- celebrate school, national and global events in a big way - see our Jubilee and Coronation photos.
- sing to our elderly neighbours
- go to a disco
- learn three poems by heart and perform to an audience
- learn to ride a bike or get ready to go on the road safely
- lead charity work and help us to raise money for charities that we choose to support
- watch a live theatrical performance
- race in a cross country event
- have responsibility for looking after our school library
In your lessons you will learn all about the Maafa, the Frozen Kingdoms of the world, and all about Britain at War. Go to the curriculum section of the website to find out more.