For every child, we encourage you to read at home every night. This has so many benefits, from feeding your child's imagination, to helping them get a good night's restful sleep. It is by far the most important homework for your child.
There are lots of on-line activities that your child can also do to practise important key skills.
Spellings : a list of words to practice is handed out each week by your child's teacher. You can learn to spell the words using look, cover, write and check and hand your completed work in to your teacher on Monday, ready for the spelling quiz.
Learn your multiplication tables, by going onto 'Times tables rockstars' and you will get faster and faster!
Log onto Lexia to practise reading and spelling through lots on on-line activities.
Log onto doodle mathsto practise lots of different maths skills and really challenge yourself against your class. We celebrate the child with the most doodle stars in class each week.
Log on to doodle spell to practise learning spellings
Also, every child from Year 1 to Year 6 has a home learning book with lots of suggestions of exciting learning activities that we encourage you to do with your child. Please bring completed projects into school to show your teacher what you have been up to.