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Welcome by the Headteacher

Welcome to Christ Church CofE Primary School


At Christ Church we are proud to be part of the Church School family, and we welcome our local community to join us as we learn and grow in faith, hope and love.  In September 2016 we joined Derby Diocesan Academy Trust,  benefitting from the support and challenge they provide, as we strive for the best possible outcomes for each and every child (see link below for more information).


As a Church school we benefit greatly from a close working partnership with our local Churches, both Christ Church and Holy Trinity Church. 


If you are new to our school, please visit us in person to find out more about us and see the nurturing, learning environment we have created for our children and staff team.  If you aren't able to do this in person, hopefully this website will give you a taste of what we offer.


We hope that you find the information you need on our website. Please note that a paper copy of any of the information can be made for you by the school office, free of charge.


Please feel free to contact the school directly on 01246 273569 with any further questions you may have.

Mrs. Knapper says welcome to our school family, you can be assured of a very warm welcome.
