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One of our core principles is for every child to:

'Attain the highest possible academic standards through learning with confidence, a positive mind-set and strong self-belief.'


We want all children to learn to love writing, and be proud of how they record ideas for information or pleasure.  We structure the teaching of writing skills and foster a love of writing using the ‘Talk For Writing' approach, as developed by educational writer, Pie Corbett. This approach recognises the importance of developing the way in which children talk through their ideas, rehearse and edit their writing. As they progress through school, their writing reflects their individuality and is catered to their interests. 


At its heart, this approach begins with enjoying and sharing really great stories and other high quality texts. It serves to build up an extensive and rich vocabulary which children delight in putting into use in their spoken and written language. In Early Years and Key Stage One the teaching of writing skills and key knowledge is carefully planned to enable children to become successful in written and oral composition (See progress grid below). In Early Years and Key Stage One key learning is planned for:


· Transcription i.e. unlaboured handwriting, accurate spelling, accurate and effective application of punctuation.

· Successful composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in writing).

· Knowledge of formality and how to control their writing consciously using standard English.


Because our curriculum for younger children is focused on developing accuracy and fluency, it looks different to the planned learning for older children. At Key Stage Two from Year 5 ‘Writers Toolkits’ are introduced (see below). Toolkits are used to teach children features of different text types. Each year toolkits are revisited and built upon so that pupils know the key features of different text types.  


Grammar and punctuation is taught both explicitly and implicitly within English lessons. Children are encouraged to use their knowledge of texts to write for a variety of purposes such as: explanations, instructions, reports, balanced arguments, stories and poems. They learn to plan, draft, revise, edit and present their work, before evaluating the success of their writing. All children have the opportunity to develop their skill set in writing.


Drama and speaking and listening are an integral part of our English curriculum in order to encourage self-confidence, imagination and empathy. Both in English, and across other curriculum areas, children are supported in their development of spoken and written language.  Subjects are explored and developed through discussion, and used in presentation, performance, expression and debate.


Talk for writing is a powerful and successful approach to developing writing skills,  because it shows children exactly what really good writing looks like.  There are three stages to each unit of learning:

1. Imitation - the children learn a model text really well and understand the 'toolkit' of skills used to create effects such as character, setting and suspense.  The principle is that if a child is able to tell a good story, then they will be able to write a good story.

2. Innovation - the children are taught how to adapt the model text a bit by adding ideas of their own, and they learn how to use all the tools in the writers toolkit.

3. Independent application - this is where the children showcase all the writing skills they have leant and create their own original text. This is usually the children's favourite part of the process as they can let their imagination run wild!



Each half term pupils showcase their writing in their progress in writing book. These books are used throughout school to track pupils progress. Writing Assessment Grids are used to assess children's writing against termly expectations from the National Curriculum. These assessments are used to set targets, track progress and inform the next steps in teaching. Teachers work across year groups and phases to mark and moderate writing using these Writing Assessment Grids to assess whether our children are working towards, at or above age-related expectations.

Writing progression grid

How we teach how to write each letter
