DDAT Welcome
Thank you for showing an interest in Christ Church C. of E. Primary School, part of the family of schools in the Derby Diocesan Academy Trust. We want our schools to be fun places of learning where all are welcomed. Our academies are not all alike but reflect the needs of the local community through an effective and visionary local governing body that includes strong parental representation. Our academies are still referred to as schools and must be highly effective, distinctive and inclusive. For more information about our family of schools, please visit https://ddat.org.uk/education/ddat/
We have a single Privacy/Fair Processing Notice for our trust (DDAT ) and a single GDPR policy for our Trust.
The SAR form is a downloadable document but can also be completed online. Please click here - for the documents that can be downloaded.
Click on the links below to find statutory information and more details regarding the Annual Reports and Accounts
The 2023 annual reports and accounts can be found on the DDAT website. Please click the link to access the trust's information page Key Information - DDAT