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How to apply to join Christ Church C. of E. Primary School

Derby Diocesan Academy Trust is the admissions authority for our school.


Christ Church C. of E. Primary School has a one point entry system. This means that pupils enter school in the September before their fifth birthday. Parents/carers considering application to Christ Church C. of E. Primary School are most welcome to visit the school by appointment. Please contact Mrs Beresford in the school office to arrange your visit. We look forward to meeting you!


To apply for a place for your child at Christ Church C. of E. Primary School you will need to contact the local authority using the link below (or copy and paste into your browser). You may also telephone them on 01629 533190.



How Your Application Will Be Processed

Christ Church C. of E. Primary School is able to admit 30 children per year group. Having received all of the applications, in the event of there being more applications than places available, the following over-subscription criteria will be applied in the priority order indicated:


Individual pupils who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which names the school will be admitted.


Places will then be allocated as follows:

1. Looked after children and children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).

2. Children living in the normal area served by the school at the time of application and admission who have brothers or sisters* attending the school at the time of application and admission.

3. Children living ** in the normal area served by the school at the time of application and admission.

4. Children not living in the normal area served by the school but who have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of application and admission.

5. Other children whose parents have requested a place.


Where, in the case of 2, 3, 4, or 5 above, choices have to be made between children satisfying the same criteria, those children living nearest to the school (measured by straight line) will be given preference.

*A brother or sister is classed as: A brother or sister sharing the same parents; a half-brother or half-sister where two children share one common parent; a step-brother or step-sister where two children are related by a parent’s marriage; an adopted or fostered child.

A brother or sister must normally be living at the same address.

** The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends.


Once places have been allocated by the local authority for the Reception class each year, any remaining children who requested a place will be included on a waiting list during the summer term which is held by the Local Authority. This waiting list is organised using the criteria above.


Deferred and Part-time Entry

Christ Church C. of E.  Primary School admits children to the reception class in the September of the school year in which a child attains the age of five years. (The School Year runs from 1st September to the 31st August.) All parents/carers are entitled to a full-time place for their child in the reception class from September, but may defer entry until the beginning of the term after their child is five years old (i.e when the child reaches compulsory school age) or until the beginning of the summer term, whichever is earlier. Children may attend part-time until they reach compulsory school age. Parents/carers who have been offered a place at the school and wish to defer entry for their child and/or attend part-time must put this in writing to the headteacher at the earliest opportunity and before the start of the autumn term.


Appeal Process

Derby Diocesan Academy Trust will arrange an independent appeal panel on behalf of the Governing Body of Christ Church C. of E. Primary School. Parents should lodge their appeal within 20 days by writing to the Clerk to Governors, care of the school, who will pass it onto DDAT to arrange a hearing within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging an appeal (School Admission Appeals Code Section 2). The decision of the panel will be binding on the school.

