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Year 2

Year 2 is terrific!

In Year 2 you will have the chance to:

  • go to the seaside!
  • dance to the whole school family
  • be responsible for looking after our school guinea pig, Sid
  • celebrate school, national and global events in a big way - see our Jubilee and Coronation photos.
  • go to a disco
  • perform a Nativity play
  • make bag tags
  • go on an Easter Egg Hunt
  • dress up for World Book Day
  • make a greetings card with a moving part
  • observe butterflies and the life cycle of a butterfly
  • meet a firefighter and take part in a fire safety talk
  • learn three poems by heart and perform to an audience
  • help us to raise money for charities that we choose to support
  • watch a live theatrical performance
  • go on a special summer trip with key stage one
  • perform an Easter Service assembly
  • celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter at Christ Church
  • take part in Sports Day
  • go to a gymnastics festival
  • take part in the Ultimate Invasion Games sporting event

In your lessons you will learn all about the great movers and shakers in history; learn about coastlines and magnificent monarchs.

Go to the curriculum section of the website to find out more.
