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Keeping our children and staff safe and happy is our first priority.

Our school is a secure site;  children meet with their teachers on the school yard and are led into school by school staff only.   Other visitors to school enter the main reception, before being cleared by administrative staff to enter the school premises.


Staff have very regular updates on all aspects of safeguarding. 

There is an ethos of 'It could happen here.' Staff are knowledgeable and vigilant in looking for signs of concern due to abuse in any form.


All children have opportunity to talk about how they are feeling. At key stage one, regular 'circle times' offer the opportunity to talk about important aspects of their life, what makes them happy and what makes them feel sad or scared.


At key stage two this takes the form of private notes to the teacher every week. This offers regular opportunities to ask for help. Children tell us how we can help them. It is a valued and well-embedded feature of our safeguarding culture. All children can say the name of at least one trusted adult to whom they would report any concerns. 


Teachers know the children very well and are alert to any signs of change.  Teachers are vigilant in noticing any changes in behaviour so that appropriate support can be put in place for children swiftly and effectively.  


All safeguarding concerns are addressed at the earliest opportunity by the Headteacher as Designated Safeguarding Lead, or Mrs Knapper, Mrs Telling or Mrs Harbour as the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.


Additionally, several staff are trained in managing the health care needs of pupils with Health Care Plans, and all teaching staff and administrative staff are first aid trained.


Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023


Working Together to Safeguard Children 
